I'm a PhD student in the SISSA mathLab group, based in Trieste (Italy). My advisor is Prof. Gianluigi Rozza and I'm working on machine learning techniques to enhance Reduced Order Models (ROMs), with applications in CFD.
Working on stabilization/closure approaches for reduced order modeling under the supervision of Prof. Gianluigi Rozza (SISSA) and Dr. Giovanni Stabile (University of Urbino and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa).
Research activity in cooperation with FINCANTIERI S.P.A. on the development of a shape optimization pipeline for marine propellers using reduced order models. The project was under the supervision of Nicola Demo and Prof. Gianluigi Rozza.
Master thesis: "Data Enhanced Reduced Order Models for turbulent flows" under the supervision of Dr. Giovanni Stabile, Dr. Andrea Mola, Prof. Traian Iliescu, and Prof. Gianluigi Rozza, and Prof. Claudio Canuto.
Final mark: 110/110 with honors
Bachelor thesis: "Self-healing materials: study of a cohesive zone model using a thermodynamic approach", under the supervision of Dr. Marco Trullo and Prof. Rossana Dimitri.
Final mark: 110/110 with honors
Final mark: 100/100 with honors
This project focuses on the introduction of data-driven "correction" terms into POD-Galerkin ROMs in order to re-introduce the contribution of the neglected modes.
This project is in collaboration with Prof. Traian Iliescu, from Virginia Tech.
"Pressure data-driven variational multiscale reduced order models",by A.Ivagnes, G. Stabile, A. Mola, T. Iliescu, G. Rozza
This project focused on the development of a shape optimization pipeline for marine propellers using reduced order models.
This project was in cooperation with FINCANTIERI S.P.A.
"A shape optimization pipeline for marine propellers by means of reduced order modeling techniques"by A.Ivagnes, N. Demo, G. Rozza
The project is focused on creating a model mixture based on the combination of non-intrusive ROMs, which differs for the reduction and approximation technique considered.
This project is in collaboration with Prof. Paola Cinnella, from Sorbonne university.
"Enhancing non-intrusive Reduced Order Models with space-dependent aggregation methods"by A. Ivagnes, N. Tonicello, P. Cinnella, G. Rozza